Settyl Corporation

• 1 yr 6 mos

  1. Full Stack Engineer - I (Full-time)

    Jan 2023 - Jan 2024

    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India • Remote

    • Technical Skills: Proficient in React.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS, React DND, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Apache Kafka, and cloud technologies like Azure Functions, Azure Service Bus, and Google Maps APIs. Experienced with microfrontends, microservices, containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), and DevOps tools (Git, GitHub, GitHub Actions, JIRA). Additionally, skilled in Flutter for mobile development.
    • Mentorship and Support: Provided guidance to interns by setting up their development environments according to the company's architecture and promptly resolved their technical issues.
    • Recruitment Expertise: Conducted extensive interviews (over 50 candidates) to identify qualified full-stack engineers and mobile app developers for the company.
    • Excellent Communication: Maintained immediate availability for calls to assist interns and provide timely project updates to my manager. Effectively negotiated API service costs with vendors, including Google Maps Platform, HERE Maps, and MapmyIndia, on behalf of the company.
    • Problem-Solving and Cost-Saving: Identified and recommended solutions to technical issues that resulted in significant cost savings. Secured a $2,000 startup benefit for the company. Proactively pinpointed a Redis bug causing container crashes, leading to a potential $1,500 loss (later acknowledged and fixed by the team). Advocated for the adoption of modern technologies (Tailwind CSS and Ionic) that have since been implemented, enhancing the product's functionality.
  2. Full Stack Engineer - I (Internship)

    Aug 2022 - Dec 2022

    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India • Remote

    • Full-Stack Mobile Engineer: Developed the `Driver Connect` app using Flutter, GetX, and relevant libraries, collaborating with senior engineers for a stable release.
    • Dedicated and Results-Driven: Delivered a stable release for the `Driver Connect` app through late-night testing sessions, ensuring high-quality code.
    • Enhanced User Experience: Focused on clean code and implemented best practices to create a user-friendly interface for the `Driver Connect` app.

Full Stack Engineer


May 2023 - Nov 2023 · 7 mos

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia · Remote

  • Built a full-stack flight booking app using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)! Frontend and backend live on GitHub Deployed to Vercel for a seamless user experience.
  • ✈️ Integrated the Amadeus Flight Booking API to empower users to book flights with ease! Utilized Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel to bring the app to life.
  • Built a comprehensive flight search experience with dedicated pages for searching and viewing results . Crafted over 30 static pages for informative content . Designed separate dashboards for agents and super admins to manage operations effectively.

Frontend Developer


Mar 2023 - Mar 2023 · 1 mo


  • Designed a stunning front-end experience with Figma for UI/UX, built with lightning-fast Next.js , styled with Tailwind CSS , and powered by a robust REST API . Developed using VS Code for a smooth workflow.

Web3 Developer


Feb 2023 - Feb 2023 · 1 mo


  • Freelance Project: Developed a sleek 2-page front-end application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript . Integrated MetaMask for secure user identification linked to a PostgreSQL database . Users can seamlessly authorize and retrieve their balance.
  • Technical Innovation: Implemented a novel user identity system leveraging MetaMask wallets for secure storage and retrieval in a PostgreSQL database. This streamlined user experience and enhanced data security.

Eduphore IAS

Freelance • 5 mos


  1. Full Stack Developer

    Oct 2022 - Oct 2022 • 1 mo

    AWS EC2, Next.js

    • Enhanced Website Functionality with Dynamic Content: Developed a dynamic version of an existing website, leveraging a JSON file to efficiently manage static data. This implementation facilitated effortless updates and streamlined content management.
    • Implemented Customizable User Interface: Successfully applied a visual refresh to the website theme, ensuring a modern and engaging user experience.
  2. Full Stack Developer

    Jul 2022 - Sep 2022 • 3 mo

    React.js · JavaScript · Node.js · Amazon EC2 · Amazon Dynamodb · Next.js · Tailwind CSS

    • Developed a Modern Web Application: Leveraged the power of Next.js and Tailwind CSS to create a dynamic and visually appealing front-end experience. Implemented a robust backend architecture using Node.js, ensuring efficient data processing and user interactions. Utilized Amazon DynamoDB for a scalable and cost-effective database solution, while deploying the application on an Amazon EC2 virtual machine for complete control and customization.
    • Enhanced Dynamic Content Management: Implemented a streamlined content management system utilizing a single JSON file for all static data. This facilitates easy updates and ensures efficient delivery of dynamic notifications to users.
    • Optimized Performance and Maintainability: Customized pre-made components to accelerate development and ensure code reusability. Employed server-side rendering within Next.js to optimize website performance and improve user experience.
  3. Backlinks and Video Editor

    Jun 2022 - Jun 2022 • 1 mo

    Adobe Premiere Pro, Google Form, Google Sheet, Canva

    • SEO Optimization: Implemented a backlink-building strategy to enhance the website's search engine ranking (SEO). Additionally, meticulously documented all acquired backlinks in a Google Sheet for easy tracking and analysis.
    • Creative Content Development: Utilized Adobe Premiere Pro to edit client advertisement videos, ensuring impactful messaging. Further enhanced brand identity by editing their logo in Canva.
    • Streamlined Data Management: Established a seamless data flow by connecting a Google Form to a shared Google Sheet. This facilitated real-time updates for the client, allowing them to monitor form submissions and synchronized data effortlessly.

Frontend Developer


Sep 2022 - Sep 2022 · 1 mo


  • Designed a beautiful single-page web app with Figma for UI/UX. Built with lightning-fast Next.js, styled with Tailwind CSS, and integrated with a robust REST API for seamless functionality. ️ Empowered users to book appointments directly through Calendly. Developed using VS Code for a smooth workflow.

Python Engineer

BalajiNpro Solutions · Full-time

Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 · 2 mo

Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

  • Process Improvement: While working as a Data Entry Operator, I identified an opportunity to streamline data processing. Secured permission from the owner to crack a forgotten Windows password, enabling access to crucial data.
  • Automated Data Entry: Leveraging Python and Google Vision API, I developed a program that automatically extracted data from images and populated Excel sheets, significantly reducing manual effort. This initiative improved efficiency by generating 20,000 documents in 10 minutes (quantifiable result).
  • Technical Expertise: Utilized a versatile tech stack including Python, Node.js, Microsoft Excel, Regular Expressions, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to achieve efficient solutions.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Demonstrated leadership by guiding colleagues towards more efficient tools and processes, fostering a collaborative work environment.